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Wellness Tips for Seniors in 2020

Wellness Tips for Seniors in 2020

December 23rd, 2019

Staying healthy, especially as we age, does not happen by itself. Good health habits take work and commitment, but with a little effort, the senior community in Airdrie can have a health 2020. Here are some wellness tips for seniors in the coming decade.

Healthy Eating Habits

The need for healthy eating habits does not change as we age. As a senior, it is more important than ever to pay attention to what you are eating, and drinking. Choose high fiber fruits, vegetables and grains, and while the occasional dessert is fine, try to keep from over indulging. Also, dehydration is a real concern for seniors, so stay well in 2020 by making sure you drink plenty of water.

Visit your Doctor Regularly

Seniors often do not visit their doctor regularly enough, especially for routine checkups and screening. Regular visits allow your doctor to monitor your health and watch for any changes or potential issues.

Stay Mentally and Physically Active

Staying physically active by going for walks, or participating in exercise programs is a great way to keep up your wellness in 2020. Physical activity is essential to overall health, and seniors who are regularly active often have higher energy levels and feel better overall. Do not forget to also focus on your mental health as well, though. Stay mentally active by reading, playing games, and socializing with friends and peers. Mental activity can help ward of cognitive related issues, as well as depression.

Follow these wellness tips for seniors in 2020 to keep yourself not only feeling better, but also happier and more content.